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Sporting Events
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GL events UK appointed provider of TV infrastructure at The Open

GL events UK has been formally appointed by R&A Championships Limited and their Consultant Engineers, Fairhurst, to provide TV Tower Scaffold Services at The Open, in a four-year contract which runs from 2021 to 2024 inclusive.
The contract win further re-enforces GL events’ relationship with R&A, having delivered grandstand seating at The Open since 2013. It also underlines the commitment and drive of the GL events Seating division to push the boundaries of expected delivery, and innovate year on year, offering enhanced levels of spectator experience and client service.
At a point where we are optimistic about the resurgence of live events in 2021, we are delighted that our Seating and Stadia division is leading the charge for GL events by commencing on-site delivery for several major clients, including The R&A, for whom we are already on site at Royal St George’s ahead of The Open 2021.
The work of the Seating and Stadia team is all about delivering exceptional quality product and service, and offering innovation through cutting edge design in line with client aspiration. This is a team who develop meaningful collaboration with their clients in the long-term, and an understanding of their events and sites which allows us to be ahead of the curve in terms of enhancements, and future delivery.
Our appointment for the delivery of the TV Tower Scaffold Services at the Open over the next four years underlines our ability to diversity our products and services and offer a fully integrated solution to our clients of uniformly high quality, backed by the R&D resource of the GL events Group.
Scott Jameson
CEO of GL events UK
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